
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2020

Chile Footprint Handbook (1910120065)

A place of extremes and contradictions, Chile is home to a bewilderingly diverse geography and climate. Footprint's Chile Handbook will guide you from the endless and eerie Atacama Desert in the north to the creaking, fractured glacial ice of the south, with beaches and rainforest to explore in between. * Great coverage of the top activities and sights in the region, including Easter Island, Chiloe, the wine routes, skiing, geysers and salt flats * Loaded with information and suggestions on how to get off the beaten track, from hiking volcanoes to whitewater rafting * Includes comprehensive information on everything from transport and practicalities to history, culture & landscape * Plus all the usual accommodation, eating and drinking listings for every budget * Full-colour planning section to inspire travellers and help them find the best experiences From Patagonian penguins to the buzz of vertiginous Valparaiso, Footprint's fully updated 7th edition will help you nav...

Film ab! : In 10 Schritten zum eigenen Film (3831030359)

Du willst einen Film drehen, weißt aber nicht, wo du anfangen sollst? Kein Problem! Dieses Buch zeigt dir in zehn einfachen Schritten, wie du einen Film produzierst. Angefangen bei der Ideenfindung über die Regiearbeit bis hin zur Filmvorstellung, erfährst du hier alles übers Filmemachen. Finde heraus, wie man ein Drehbuch schreibt und Storyboards anlegt, und lerne alles über Kameraeinstellungen, Licht, Ton und Nachbearbeitung. Der Autor, selbst Filmemacher, verrät etliche Experten-Tricks und gibt hilfreiche Tipps. Zum Beispiel zeigt er, wie man das Zubehör für wilde Special Effects einfach improvisiert. Wichtiges Hintergrundwissen zu Einstellungen, Kamerabewegung oder Beleuchtung wird locker und unkompliziert mit witzigen Illustrationen erklärt. Dann kann s eigentlich auch schon losgehen. Klappe, die erste! Product details For ages 8+ ...

Dark Commerce : How a New Illicit Economy Is Threatening Our Future (9780691170183)

A comprehensive look at the world of illicit trade Though mankind has traded tangible goods for millennia, recent technology has changed the fundamentals of trade, in both legitimate and illegal economies. In the past three decades, the most advanced forms of illicit trade have broken with all historical precedents and, as Dark Commerce shows, now operate as if on steroids, tied to computers and social media. In this new world of illicit commerce, which benefits states and diverse participants, trade is impersonal and anonymized, and vast profits are made in short periods with limited accountability to sellers, intermediaries, and purchasers. Louise Shelley examines how new technology, communications, and globalization fuel the exponential growth of dangerous forms of illegal trade-the markets for narcotics and child pornography online, the escalation of sex trafficking through web advertisements, and the sale of endangered species for which revenues total in the hundreds of millions o...

The Building Blocks of Early Maths : Bringing key concepts to life for 3-6 year olds (9780415657402)

Young children need to develop and understand the core basic concepts in mathematics before they can move forward in their mathematical learning. Without these solid foundations, they are more likely to have gaps in their knowledge and require intervention in their primary years. This new book provides guidance and resources to help you develop children's key skills and understanding in mathematics. Written by experienced teachers, the book outlines key mathematical concepts and provides a wide range of exciting, mathematically rich activities that support the development of these concepts. It exposes some of the common misconceptions and errors that practitioners may observe children showing in their settings and offers simple practical strategies to help move children forward in their thinking and understanding. Covering all areas of mathematics learning - counting and number, calculation, shape and space, pattern, measuring and handling data - the book features: practical ideas ...

Das große Flugzeugtypenbuch (3613016869)

Das große Flugzeugtypenbuch, das sind: - Beschreibungen von nahezu 1000 verschiedenen Typen aus 32 Ländern, beginnend bei Argentinien und endend bei den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, - Flugzeuge von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, von Lilienthals Gleiter über die Vielzahl kolbenmotorgetriebener Maschinen bis zu den Strahlflugzeugen unserer Tage, - Reise-, Sport- und Übungsflugzeuge, Verkehrs- und Transportflugzeuge, Militärflugzeuge, Hubschrauber sowie Arbeitsflugzeuge, und das nach einem denkbar einfachen Ordnungsprinzip benutzerfreundlich alphabetisch nach Ländern und innerhalb derer nach Konstrukteuren und Herstellern gegliedert. Product details Format Hardback | 611 pages ...

Die Kapitän-Nemo-Geschichten : Geschichten gegen Angst und Stress (3801728099)

Bereits im Grundschulalter können Kinder unter Angst- und Stresssymptomen wie Anspannung, Konzentrations- oder Schlafschwierigkeiten leiden. Die Kapitän-Nemo-Geschichten helfen Kindern dabei, sich zu entspannen und so Angst und Unruhe abzubauen. Die Entspannungsgeschichten sind für Kinder im Alter von etwa fünf bis zwölf Jahren konzipiert und eignen sich sowohl zum Vorlesen als auch zum selbstständigen Lesen. Leitfigur ist Kapitän Nemo, der die Kinder zu Reisen durch die Weltmeere mit dem Unterwasserboot Nautilus einlädt. Bei abwechslungsreichen Ausflügen in die Unterwasserwelt besuchen sie u.a. einen Korallenwald, suchen eine Schatzkarte, reiten auf Riesenschildkröten oder erkunden die Unterwasserstadt Atlantis. Die Geschichten zielen darauf ab, den Kindern Strategien zur Selbstberuhigung und Entspannung zu vermitteln, die sie selbstständig in schwierigen Alltagssituationen anwenden können. Darüber hinaus sind die Geschichten auch als Hörgeschichten in Form von Audio-CDs erhältlich....

Cooperative Strategy : Managing Alliances, Networks, and Joint Ventures (9780199266258)

Cooperation has become the leading strategy adopted by business and other organizations. It is taking on new forms that are adapted to changing market expectations and technological possibilities in the rapidly evolving business environment. This new edition of Cooperative Strategy provides a comprehensive view of the practical and theoretical literature concerning cooperative strategies, and the alliance and network organizational forms that are the enablers of these strategies. It takes the reader through the stages of developing a cooperative alliance, from choosing a cooperative form and selecting partners, to establishing an alliance and managing the process of cooperation. It examines cooperative strategies in different sectors as well as internationally, and discusses performance criteria and evolution of cooperation over time. With insights from internationally recognized experts on cooperative strategy, this book presents extensive research on the topic while also addressing...

Raise the Debt : How Developing Countries Choose Their Creditors (9780190866174)

Credit is the lifeblood of capitalism and development. Brazil, Russia, India, and China-also called BRICs-have become important creditors to developing countries. However, how will their loans affect economic development and democracy in recipient countries? We need to understand why governments accept Chinese over Western loan offers before we can predict their likely consequences. In Raise the Debt, Jonas B. Bunte systematically explains how governments choose among competing loan offers. Using statistical analyses and extensive interview data, he shows that the strings attached to loans vary across creditors. Consequently, one domestic interest group may benefit from Chinese credit but not U.S. loans, while the opposite is the case for other groups. Bunte provides evidence that governments cater to whichever domestic interest group is politically dominant when deciding between competing loan offers. Combining a comparative politics approach with international political economy met...

Making Markets Work for Africa : Markets, Development, and Competition Law in Sub-Saharan Africa (9780190930998)

This book focuses on market law and policy in sub-Saharan Africa, showing how markets can be harnessed by poorer and developing economies to help make the markets work for them: to help them integrate into the world economy and provide a better standard of living for their people while preserving their values of inclusive development. It explores uses of power both by dominant firms, often multinationals, and incumbent governments and cronies, to ring-fence their market positions and deprive rivals - often the indigenous people - from fair access to markets and highlights how competition authorities are pushing back and winning fair access, lowering prices of goods and services especially for the poorer population. The book also examines the next level up - regionalism - and provides the facts that show how regionalism has so far failed to meet its promise of freeing markets from cross-border restraints by large firms that operate across national borders. On the more technical side, ...

Stuka Pilot (1908476877)

Autobiography of WW2 Nazi pilot Hans Rudel the most highly decorated German serviceman of WW2, and the only one to be awarded the Third Reich's most prestigious medal which was specially created for Rudel by Hitler himself, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds. Shot down over 24 times, Hans Rudel is credited with destroying over 500 tanks, 2,000 ground targets, the Russian battleship Marat, two cruisers and a destroyer, and was so successful against Russian forces that Joseph Stalin put up a 100,000 rouble ransom on his head. His flying record of over 2,500 missions remains unmatched by any pilot since. Until his death in 1982 Hans Rudel remained a loyal supporter of Adolf Hitler, and he refused to denounce Hitler, or the Nazis, and believed that the war against Germany was created by powerful Jews and international finance. Hans Rudel remains a complex character, and arguably one of WW2's most heroic figures. This is the uncens...

ICI. / La-Bas (9783959050692)

When Saâdane Afif was awarded the prestigious Günther-Peill Prize in 2012, he ended up in Düren, a small provincial town in North Rhine-Westphalia. He used this location as an opportunity to reflect on the idea of 'Here' (Ici)' and 'There' (Là-bas). Afif transported Düren's station lights together with the loudspeakers and platform announcements into the museum setting. He invited friends to write songs on the themes of 'Here' and 'There' and designed two posters for Ici. and Là-bas. - the titles of the two-part multimedia installation. Ici. was shown in the Leopold-Hoesch-Museum & Papiermuseum Düren and Là-bas. at the 8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art and in the Kunsthaus Glarus in Switzerland. The two-part artist book includes views of the installation, the fifteen lyrics by different poets, and essays by Diedrich Diedrichsen, Juan A. Gaitán, and Rein Wolfs on the French conceptual artist's way of working. ...

How To Overcome Emotional Negativity : Highly Effective Secret Techniques to Become Positive and Successful (1985808625)

Going through a tough time presents you with an easy option of going into a negative emotional state such as anxiety, stress and anger. You are quick to accept the negative option not knowing the implications. Negative emotions deprive you of feelings such as love, happiness, contentment and can even cause harm to your relationship. I have written this book to help you through these negative emotions as well as effective techniques which are highly effective and will help you get over these negative emotions and make you have a positive outlook towards life. Positivity predisposes you towards joy, happiness, success in your relationship and positions you for financial success. Product details Format Paperback | 46 pages ...

Life of Pi (9781910173206)

Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary graded material that will motivate students to read. What happens when a cargo ship sinks in the Pacific Ocean, leaving only one lifeboat of survivors? And what happens if those survivors are a hyena, a zebra (with a broken leg), a female orang-utan and a Bengal tiger called Richard Parker? Sixteen-year-old Pi 'Piscine' Patel is about to find out ... Adapted from the international best-seller by Yann Martel LEVEL 3 - Intermediate B1 BOOK ONLY Full colour insides Perfect also for native English speaking children who are struggling with their reading A compelling story of adventure and friendship, brought to a global audience by the Oscar-winning film by Ang Lee. A two-page Fact File section provides supplementary material on different religions. People and Places section provides a clear visual context before students begin to read. Self-study activities enable students...

Klamstwo z rozsadku (9788375084047)

Dalsze losy Cannie Shapiro, przebojowej bohaterki Kochajac wieksza kobiete. Po wydaniu swojej debiutanckiej powiesci, ktora stala sie chwilowym bestsellerem, Cannie zniknela z zycia publicznego. Podjela stala wspolprace z wydawnictwem, dla ktorego pisze ksiazki science-fiction, tym razem jednak pod pseudonimem. Prowadzi spokojne, rozkosznie przewidywalne zycie do dnia, gdy jej corka dzieki dawno napisanej ksiazce staje twarza w twarz z prawda o wlasnym poczeciu. Do tego Peter, maz Cannie, zaskakuje zone wyznaniem, ze chce miec dziecko... Kolejna powiesc Jennifer Weiner to rozkosznie zabawna i rozbrajajaco ciepla ksiazka, pelna charakterystycznych dla autorki ostrych dialogow i celnych obserwacji wspolczesnego stylu zycia. To wspaniala opowiesc o milosci, stracie i nierozerwalnych wiezach rodzinnych Product details Format ...

The Agency Book 3: The Traitor in the Tunnel (0763687510)

Get steeped in suspense, romance, and high Victorian intrigue as Mary goes undercover at Buckingham Palace -- and learns a startling secret at the Tower of London. Quick-witted Mary Quinn is undercover at Buckingham Palace, hunting a petty thief, when the Prince of Wales witnesses a murder. Even more alarming is the fact that the accused killer shares a name with Mary's long-lost father. Meanwhile, engineer James Easton, Mary's onetime paramour, is at work shoring up the sewers beneath the palace, where a newly discovered tunnel seems to be very much in use. Can Mary and James trust each other long enough to solve the mystery and protect the royal family? Product details For ages 12-17 Format ...

Tunesisch-Basiskurs, PC CD-ROM : Tunesisch-Sprachkurs mit Langzeitgedächtnis-Lernmethode. Niveau A1/A2 (3867253455)

"Lernen Sie Tunesisch wesentlich schneller als mit herkömmlichen Lernmethoden"Inhalt: Multimedia-Software auf CD-ROM Sie eignen sich einen Grundwortschatz aus über 1300 Wörtern an. Durch unzählige Dialogtexte und Redewendungen lernen Sie die Wörter in ihrem thematischen Zusammenhang und in ganzen Sätzen. Eine detaillierte Grammatik, zu der Sie täglich neue Übungen erhalten, vervollständigt Ihr Sprachwissen. Multimedia-Software: Neueste Version: Dieser Kurs wurde komplett überarbeitet. Für Windows / Linux / Mac OS X. Vokabeln: Lernen Sie einen soliden Grundwortschatz Das Wichtigste beim Sprachenlernen sind die Vokabeln. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie einen soliden Grundwortschatz, um einfache Sätze bilden und verstehen zu können. Sie lernen dabei die wichtigsten Wörter zu folgenden Themen: Begrüßung - höfliche Redewendungen Zahlen - Zählen lernen - Pronomen - Uhrzeit - im Hotel - die wichtigsten Verben - Obst - Gemüse - Lebensmittel - Transport - unterwegs mit Bus, Zug, Flugzeug - ...

Tilly : Der Katholische Feldherr (3791723545)

Johann Tserclaes Reichsgraf von Tilly (1559-1632), neben Wallenstein und Gustav Adolf der bedeutendste Feldherr im Dreißigjährigen Krieg, gewann so viele Schlachten wie kein Zweiter. Stets kämpfte er für die katholische Sache und für seinen Dienstherrn, den Wittelsbacher Maximilian, Kurfürst von Bayern. Product details Format Paperback | 117 pages Dimensions 116 x 190 x 10mm | 178g ...

"The Winter's Tale" (1903436354)

One of Shakespeare's later plays, best described as a tragi-comedy, the play falls into two distinct parts. In the first Leontes is thrown into a jealous rage by his suspicions of his wife Hermione and his best-friend, and imprisons her and orders that her new born daughter be left to perish. The second half is a pastoral comedy with the "lost" daughter Perdita having been rescued by shepherds and now in love with a young prince. The play ends with former lovers and friends reunited after the apparently miraculous resurrection of Hermione. John Pitcher's lively introduction and commentary explores the extraordinary merging of theatrical forms in the play and its success in performance. As the recent Sam Mendes production at the Old Vic shows, this is a play that can work a kind of magic in the theatre. Product details Format ...

Der Wert der Dinge : Leitfaden zur Schadensbewertung und Schadensregulierung für Betroffene und Regulierende mit Anmerkungen zu einigen weiteren Bewertungsfragen (3000257098)

Angesprochen werden grundlegende Fragen von Wertbegriffen, Wertdefinitionen und Bewertungsproblemen mit Bezug zum praktischen Schadensfall. Häufig auftretende Schadensarten wie Brand- und Wasserschäden werden hinsichtlich der generellen Abwicklung wie auch der Sanierungsmöglichkeiten/ techniken abgehandelt, ebenso häufige Schadensbereiche an Bauten wie auch Hausrat. Die geänderte Situation durch das neue VVG ist berücksichtigt. Für die Schadensregulierung notwendige Hilfsmittel werden bereitgestellt mit vielen Versicherungsbedingungen, Richtlinien der Brandschadenssanierung des VdS, Richtlinie zur Qualität von Isolierglasscheiben, Lebensdauertabellen sowie Adressen von Versicherungen, Sachverständigenverbänden, Sanierungsfirmen, Versicherungsberatern, Verbraucherorganisationen etc. Bei mancher Kritik an dem Verhalten von Versicherungen in der Schadensabwicklung wird dennoch versucht, einen tendenziell objektiven Blick auf beide Seiten der Regulierung zu werfen. ...

MEX Das Mündliche Examen : Innere Medizin und Chirurgie (3437410571)

Bestens gewappnet, um die mündlich-praktische Prüfung perfekt zu meistern: mit dem MEX Innere Medizin und Chirurgie! MEX Innere Medizin und Chirurgie vereint optimal sowohl das praktische Know-How zu den Fächern Innere Medizin und Chirurgie für den 1. Prüfungstag als auch die Theorie für den 2. Prüfungstag. Dieses Werk garantiert umfangreiches Wissen, absolute Sicherheit auf allen Themengebieten und natürlich einen souveränen Auftritt vor den Prüfern im 2. Staatsexamen. MEX spart Zeit, enthält keine Redundanzen und macht lästiges Blättern in anderen Werken überflüssig. Hier bekommt der Prüfling wirklich alles, was er für die letzte Hürde vor seinem Abschluss wissen muss! Diagnostik Schritt für Schritt - von der Anamnese und den wichtigsten Untersuchungsmethoden über Labor und Bildgebung zum perfekten Bericht. Verdachts- und Differenzialdiagnosen auf einen Blick dank 50 anschaulicher Flussdiagramme. Die optimale Fallpräsentation mit über 60 alltags- und prüfungsrelevanten Fällen der Inn...