
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2020

Der Französisch-Führerschein : 2. bis 4. Klasse (3834430315)

Mit den witzig illustrierten Arbeitsblättern zu allen wichtigen Themen aus dem Anfangsunterricht Französisch - und dem Anreiz, einen farbigen Führerschein zu erwerben - gelingt der Einstieg in die Fremdsprache spielend leicht! Es gilt, Aufgaben zu "les couleurs", "les vêtements", "les fruits", "le temps", "le corps" und weiteren Themen zu meistern. Dabei kann schon bald jedes Kind die einfachen Aufgaben lösen, indem es farbig ausmalt, zeichnet, Wort und Bild verbindet oder das lustige Detektiv-Spiel spielt. Bevor sich die Schüler an die goldene Führerschein-Prüfung herantrauen, können sie zunächst die Prüfung in Bronze und Silber ablegen. Vierfarbige Führerscheine für eine Klasse liegen dem Buch bei, sie können als Klassensatz auch gesondert nachbestellt werden. Product details Format ...

Dear County Agent Guy : Calf Pulling, Husband Training, and Other Curious Dispatches from a Midwestern Dairy Farmer (0761187278)

"Jerry Nelson's column comes from the true heart of the Midwest. He has the true voice, the slow twang. He knows wheat from barley. He knows hardware, he knows vegetation, he knows people."-Garrison Keillor In the tradition of Mark Twain and Jean Shepherd, Dave Barry and Garrison Keillor, Jerry Nelson is a humorist whose beat is the American heartland, a small-town world of pickup trucks and Sunday night pancake dinners, dropping in on neighbors and complaining about the county agent. His depictions of daily life, from the point of view of an ex-dairy farmer and taciturn husband with a twinkle in his eye, are read by 250,000 people a week-and occasionally woven into Prairie Home Companion scripts. These are stories of courtship; childbirth-he offers the delivery room doctor the use of his calf puller; family; neighbors; chores; and the duties of a father-why is it that a man who spends his days in cow manure can't change a baby's diaper? Knee-slappingly funny on...

Activate : An Entirely New Approach to Small Groups (9780801075872)

Church leaders want to know how to make their small groups work. Drawing from the startling success of small groups at The Journey Church, Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas debunk the myths, set the record straight, and show how church leaders can implement a healthy small group ministry that gets the maximum number of people involved and solves many of the important problems facing churches of all sizes. These practical strategies will produce life-changing results. Product details Format Paperback | 320 pages Dimensions 140 x 216 ...

Vulnerabilidade ambiental na BR-101 Norte, Brasil (9786139669493)

O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral a análise da vulnerabilidade ambiental diante de possíveis acidentes ambientais oriundos do transporte rodoviário de produtos perigosos na BR 101 norte, especificamente na região do entorno do rio Capibaribe. A partir da avaliação da situação ambiental de tal trecho, juntamente com os objetivos específicos de identificar os principais produtos transportados no trecho em estudo, realizar um prognóstico dos possíveis danos ambientais decorrentes de eventuais acidentes e da observação dos pontos vulneráveis da infraestrutura do trecho em estudo no caso de um possível acidente das pistas nos sentidos sul/norte e norte/sul no trecho da BR 101 entre os KM 64 e 65,3 da BR 101, delimitados pelo bairro de Dois Irmãos e a comunidade do DETRAN. Quanto à metodologia utilizada, foi feita a caracterização da área onde se tem a passagem da rodovia sobre o rio Capibaribe por meio de análise bibliográfica. Doravante, temos ainda que é notória a vulnerabilidad...

Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook: Practice and Procedure (0199662940)

Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook: Practice and Procedure is a companion volume to the successful Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook: Law. Offering guidance on good practice in core policing areas, it draws together practical advice across a wide range of police duties. With extracts and explanations of official policy and guidance, each chapter is accompanied by features such as boxed examples, checklists, diagrams, practical tips and flow-charts, providing you with an unparalleled guide to good policing practice. Presenting a structured approach to police work, based on established national principles and practices this Handbook is divided into four parts: Evidence Management, which offers advice on the capture and handling of evidence with chapters on crime scene management, disclosure, witness and victim management and court procedure; Knowledge-based Policing, which outlines the National Intelligence Model, the role of Police and Crime Commissioners, ACPO va...

Evolutionary Dynamics : Exploring the Equations of Life (0674023382)

At a time of unprecedented expansion in the life sciences, evolution is the one theory that transcends all of biology. Any observation of a living system must ultimately be interpreted in the context of its evolution. Evolutionary change is the consequence of mutation and natural selection, which are two concepts that can be described by mathematical equations. Evolutionary Dynamics is concerned with these equations of life. In this book, Martin A. Nowak draws on the languages of biology and mathematics to outline the mathematical principles according to which life evolves. His work introduces readers to the powerful yet simple laws that govern the evolution of living systems, no matter how complicated they might seem. Evolution has become a mathematical theory, Nowak suggests, and any idea of an evolutionary process or mechanism should be studied in the context of the mathematical equations of evolutionary dynamics. His book presents a range of analytical tools that can be used to th...

Wasser-Fibel : Der praktische Ratgeber für Aquarium und Teich. Messen-Bewerten-Optimieren (3944821211)

Wasser ist das zentrale Element für ein funktionierendes Aquarium. Um Fische und Pflanzen gesund zu halten benötigt es fundiertes Wissen für die wichtigsten Bestandteile des Wassers. Die praktische Fibel erläutet grundlegende Zusammenhänge und vermittelt das notwendige Wissen zur korrekten Diagnose, Kontrolle und Aufbereitung. Basiswissen für jeden Aquarien- oder Gartenteichbesitzer. Product details Format Hardback | 96 pages Dimensions 177 x 221 x 12mm | 403g ...

Humble Pi : A Comedy of Maths Errors (9780141989143)

**The First Ever Maths Book to be a No.1 Bestseller** 'Wonderful ... superb' Daily Mail What makes a bridge wobble when it's not meant to? Billions of dollars mysteriously vanish into thin air? A building rock when its resonant frequency matches a gym class leaping to Snap's 1990 hit I've Got The Power? The answer is maths. Or, to be precise, what happens when maths goes wrong in the real world. As Matt Parker shows us, our modern lives are built on maths: computer programmes, finance, engineering. And most of the time this maths works quietly behind the scenes, until ... it doesn't. Exploring and explaining a litany of glitches, near-misses and mishaps involving the internet, big data, elections, street signs, lotteries, the Roman empire and a hapless Olympic shooting team, Matt Parker shows us the bizarre ways maths trips us up, and what this reveals about its essential place in our world. Mathematics doesn't have good 'people skills', but...

Framing Dave Burgess : A True Story About Hells Angels, Sex And Justice (9781492266624)

Dave Burgess, son of a career Marine and the nephew of the founders of the Mustang Ranch, managed the Mustang, built and owned the last remaining piece of the original brothel and became a Hells Angel when he was 40. Along the way he made friends and enemies. Most of his enemies worked for the government. In July 2007, Dave Burgess was charged with possession of cocaine and marijuana after a supposedly routine traffic stop in Evanston, Wyoming. Forty-five days later the drug charges were dropped and he was arrested instead for possession and interstate transportation of child pornography. One of the children portrayed in what is still the largest kiddie porn collection ever discovered was the 14-year-old daughter of a fellow Hells Angel. Angels throughout the world were outraged. Hells Angels haters and police gloated. Burgess was convicted after a hasty, four day trial and sentenced to 20 years in federal prison. And, he was framed. This book describes how. ...

Mindfulness Skills for Kids Card Deck and 3 Card Games (1683731050)

52 exercises and practices to help kids calm their mind and body, pay attention, become more self-aware, feel happier and confident, connect with others and have fun. Deck can also be used as card games (based on popular children's games) that encourage kids to practice a mindfulness skill each time they win a hand. Great for therapists, teachers and parents. Perfect for ages 4 and up. Product details Format Cards Dimensions 79 x 130 x 20mm | 159g ...

Römertopf : Ideen für die natürliche Küche (3907200241)

Mit dem Römertopf wird heute eine alte Kochkunst wieder neu belebt, denn er hat ausgesprochen junge Vorzüge. Von der Suppe über Fleisch - und Fischgerichte, Brote bis hin zu Süssspeisen sind in diesm Buch für jeden Geschmack leckere Rezepte zusammengestellt. Product details Format Hardback | 96 pages Dimensions 221 x 295 x 13mm | 694g Publication date ...

Deutschlands Bundesländer : Informationen, Bilder & Karten (3956867939)

Um die Deutschlandkarte werden die 16 Bundesländer kreisförmig angelegt. Die Segmente der nächsten Kreisringe werden entsprechend ihrem Bundesland zugeordnet. Sie enthalten Bilder und Karten auf der einen Seite, Textinformationen auf der Rückseite. Das Material lässt sich durch die ansprechenden Bilder auf der einen Seite und die wissenserweiternden Informationen vielfältig einsetzen. Das motivierende Legematerial ist für alle Altersstufen geeignet. 80 Seiten, FARBDRUCK Product details Format Paperback | 80 pages Dimensions 212 x 298 ...

New Total English Advanced Students' Book with Active Book Pack (1408267144)

* Over 50% new material * New DVD material with Film Bank on the Active Book disc * New Writing Bank which makes writing a fun and engaging activity * Pronunciation Bank gives students phonetic examples of unit vocabulary ActiveBook is the Students' book in digital format with integrated audio and video from the course and is included with the Course Book Easy navigation of the Students' Book pages with zoom facility Video and audio available at the touch of a button Product details Format Mixed media product | 176 pages Dimensions 214 x 299 ...

How To Draw Manga. Lebendige Manga-Charaktere (3551752575)

Gezeichnete Charaktere haben einen Nachteil: Sie sind eben nur gezeichnet. Wie man sie trotz ihrer Existenz auf Papier zum Leben erweckt, wird in diesem Band gezeigt. Product details For ages 10+ Format Paperback | 144 pages Dimensions 149 x 211 x 15mm | 342g ...

Schmuckpost für dich : 25 Postkarten zum Ausmalen. Zeit zum Entspannen (3401709267)

Bunte Grüße per Post - selbstgestaltete Postkarten. Die 25 Karten aus stabilem Papier und mit wunderschönen Motiven sind zum individuellen Ausmalen und Entspannen. Product details For ages 7+ Format Paperback | 50 pages Dimensions 118 x 170 x 15mm | 179g ...

Inviting Disaster : Why Technological Disasters Happen (0066620813)

A riveting account of the conflicts between man and machine, and an examination of the reasons for the rising number of disasters in our high-tech world. Product details Format Hardback | 304 pages Dimensions 159 x 235 x 25mm | 640g Publication date 04 Oct 2001 ...

The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson (1420953761)

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), the reclusive and intensely private poet saw only a few of her poems (she wrote well over a thousand) published during her life. After discovering a trove of manuscripts left in a wooden box, Dickinson's sister Lavinia, fortunately, chose to disobey Emily's wishes for her work to be burned after death. With the help of Amherst professors, Lavinia brought her sister's gifted verse into print. "The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson" brings together the first three series of her posthumous publications which debuted respectively in 1890, 1891, and 1896. It is here in this collection that we witness her poetic depth and range of style. The myth that surrounds Dickinson's life is enhanced by the ethereal quality of her poetry. Dickinson's idiom is as varied as her meter, and her unconventional use of punctuation, metaphor, and image make her an innovator of the lyric akin to many of the early modernists. These poems examine lov...

Wellensittich entflogen - Farbe egal : Kuriose Zettelwirtschaft (3548374336)

Sie hängen an Kreuzungen, an Haltestellen und in Hauseingängen: witzige, kreative und kryptische Zettel. Sie erzählen von der Liebe, von Döner-Köchen, verlorenen Kleinoden, den Problemen beim Zusammenleben und dreibeinigen Katzen. Eine höchst unterhaltsame Zettelwirtschaft. Product details Format Paperback | 208 pages Dimensions 121 x 197 x 15mm | 251g ...