
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2021

The Senior Year from You Know Where (9781453567470)

This is a Print on Demand title. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Product details Format Paperback | 54 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 3mm | 91g Publication date 25 Oct 2010 ...

Senran Kagura: Official Design Works (1927925479)

Enter the world of Senran Kagura, where the beautiful girls of several secret ninja academies engage each other in fierce shinobi battles - and look great doing it! Senran Kagura: Official Design Works collects the fantastic illustrations of "bakunyuu artist" Nan Yaegashi. Gathered is imagery from the original Senran Kagura game, as well as Senran Kagura Burst, Senran Kagura Versus, and more. Inside you'll find character designs, pinups, in-game artwork, character profiles, plus an exclusive interview with the game's creators! Product details Format Paperback | 240 pages Dimensions ...

[PDF FREE] How To Get A Man To Cherish You...If You're His Wife : A no-nonsense guide for every wife or bride-to-be. (9780998018911).pdf

Being his wife is only the beginning... Do you long to be adored, treasured, valued, and held dear by your husband? It's not too late! How to Get a Man to Cherish You...if You're His Wife will help you change the way you're treated by the man you love. You'll start by hitting the RESET button on your relationship. I will give you strategies and practical ways to tap into and maximize your own feminine energy for the good of your marriage. You deserve the love you've always desired. This is a must read for every wife and bride-to-be! Being his wife is only the beginning. Every woman wants to be cherished by her husband. How to Get a Man to Cherish You shows you how to create this reality in your own marriage. Order Your Copy Today! Product details Format Paperback ...

The Terror : the novel that inspired the chilling BBC series (9780857503916)

Hailed by STEPHEN KING as 'a brilliant, massive combination of history and supernatural horror'. Now a chilling 10-part TV series from RIDLEY SCOTT on BBC2 and iPlayer The most advanced scientific enterprise ever mounted, Sir John Franklin's 1845 expedition in search of the fabled North-West Passage had every expectation of triumph. But for almost two years his ships HMS Terror and Erebus have been trapped in the Arctic ice. Supplies of fuel and food are running low. Scurvy, starvation and even madness beging to take their toll. And yet the real threat isn't from the constantly shifting, alien landscape, the flesh-numbing temperatures or being crushed by the unyielding, frozen ocean. No, the real threat is far more terrifying. There is something out there in the frigid darkness. It stalks the ships and snatches men. It is a nameless thing. At once nowhere and everywhere, this terror has become the expedition's nemesis . . . Readers are gripped by The Terror: *...

Flutter Complete Reference : Create beautiful, fast and native apps for any device (9798691939952)

Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for creating beautiful and native applications for mobile, desktop and web from a single Dart codebase. In this book we cover in detail the Dart programming language (version 2.10, with null safety support) and the Flutter framework (version 1.20). While reading the chapters, you'll find a lot of good practices, tips and performance advices to build high quality products. The book is divided in 3 parts. PART 1: It's about the Dart programming language (classes, exceptions, inheritance, null safety, streams, SOLID principles...). PART 2. It's about the Flutter framework (localization, routing, state management with Bloc and Provider, testing, performances with DevTools, animations...). PART 3. It's a long collection of examples (using Firestore, monetizing apps, using gestures, networking, publishing packages at, race recognition with ML kits, playing audio and video...). The official website of the book contains the complet...

Evolve Level 3 Student's Book (9781108405270)

EVOLVE is a six-level English course that gets students speaking with confidence. Drawing on insights from language teaching experts and real students, this Level 3 (CEFR B1) Student's Book covers all skills and focuses on the most effective and efficient ways to make progress in English. Each of the 12 units in the book features Time to speak, a lesson where decision-making and problem-solving tasks enable speaking to thrive. Optional mobile phone activities help create personalized learning experiences. Product details Format Paperback | 176 pages Dimensions 217 ...

Vulnerable Populations in the United States (0470599359)

The second edition of this important book offers a framework for learning about vulnerable populations. It is thoroughly updated to include the latest data and trends in health and health care disparities and provides a detailed synthesis of recent and increasingly expansive programs and initiatives to remedy these disparities. It incorporates Health People 2020 objectives, includes new sections on real-world clinical examples, and discusses the impact of health care reform on vulnerable populations. This book is written for students, researchers, practitioners and policymakers and contains an instructor s manual, PowerPoint slides, and downloadable sample assignments. Product details Format Paperback | 352 pages ...

Meditation X : Telekinesis: The Mindfulness Practice of Moving Matter with Subtle Energy and Intention (1979663262)

Meditation X is the most fun and intriguing type of meditation training a person can learn! If you practice mindfulness, you can learn to move matter with your mind, and this book (accompanied by online training videos) will show you how. Fans of McNamara's first book "Defy Your Limits" will be delighted to learn that "Meditation X" contains new and advanced telekinesis methods such as moving multiple objects simultaneously, moving objects while standing and moving, moving an object with a partner or group, moving an object from another room, and more. You will learn how to use the principles of mindfulness and meditation to engage a quickly spreading phenomenon: telekinesis. Also known as psychokinesis, it is defined as the movement of an object from a distance through the use of one's mind and subtle energy. While Hollywood portrays exaggerated versions of mind over matter, real telekinesis is less dramatic, yet completely real. "Meditation X" i...

Mondpapas : Ein Buch für Kinder mit abwesenden Vätern (3863214099)

"Wo ist Papa? Warum holt er mich nicht vom Kindergarten ab?" Ist ein Vater dauerhaft abwesend, sind solche Fragen schwer zu beantworten. Schnell wird es emotional. Oft sind die Gründe komplex. Das Buch gibt Erklärungen an die Hand, um die Situation altersgerecht verständlich zu machen. Liebevolle Zeichnungen und ein Ratgeberteil machen es zu einer wertvollen Hilfe für das Gespräch mit kleinen Kindern. Product details Format Hardback | 45 pages Dimensions 223 x 223 x 10mm ...

Murach's C# (7th Edition) (9781943872534)

This book gets you off to a fast start by showing you how to use C#, Visual Studio, and .NET to develop Windows Forms applications. Next, it shows you the best techniques for developing object-oriented applications. Then, it shows you how to work with a database...a must in business development...using Entity Framework and LINQ or ADO.NET. Along the way, this book presents the time-saving features available from the most recent releases of C#, .NET, and Visual Studio. The result? You'll quickly gain the essential skills needed to develop any C# application...whether for the desktop, the web, or mobile devices. In fact, No other introductory C# book teaches you so much, so fast, or so thoroughly. Product details Format Paperback | 818 pages ...